Meet the Principal, David McKay
Introducing David McKay, Founding Principal of The Younity School! We asked David a few “getting to know you” questions, and here’s what he had to say.
Founding Principal is a big job; how are you feeling about it?
Excited! Nervous! Probably a lot like a student on their first day, to be honest. There’s a lot for us to do and learn about together as a community, and I know there’s a lot of hard work ahead, but I’m proud that I get to be on this journey to open Moreton Bay’s first-ever independent special assistance middle school.
“Independent special assistance middle school,” that’s a mouthful! What does it mean?
A chalkboard would come in handy right now! But let me try to break it down.
Being an independent school means we are not-for-profit and not run by the government, so we have a bit more flexibility in how we cater to community needs. Although we still adhere to important standards and rules, like teaching the Australian curriculum.
Being a special assistance school means we focus on supporting students who have complex learning and social support needs; who have experienced educational disadvantage; or who haven’t found their place in mainstream schooling.
Finally, being a middle school means we also have a specific focus on supporting students in that tricky and challenging stage between primary and secondary school (around the ages of 10 to 15). We know it’s a stage of life where so much is changing for young people both at school and in themselves, and research shows us that many students in this stage disengage from school and lose touch with their love of learning which can have a significant impact on their success in life.
It sounds like you could talk about this all day, but we also want to know about you. Have you been a Principal before?
I sure have, I’ve been a Principal for 14 years in both mainstream and special assistance schools that have students across the middle and secondary years. I’ve also been lucky enough to work in schools that are just opening, like The Younity School as well.
What are you most excited about at The Younity School?
I’m most excited about supporting students with high needs at The Younity School. We have the flexibility in our approach to genuinely target learning and support to individual students. Out of all the schools I’ve worked at or been involved in opening, The Younity School is really unique in this respect and will have a .
Lots of young people struggle to answer the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” so we’d love to know what made you decide to go into teaching and education.
I was always very active and loved sport so I thought being a PE teacher would be a great path for me that would play to my interests and strengths. Working as a teacher, I was given the opportunity to support young people who hadn’t had a fair go at life and it was then that I realised just how meaningful the work could be—things just grew from there!
Did you have any teachers that impacted you or your life in a significant way?
There are a few teachers from my time at school that come to mind and they all have some special things in common that I’ve tried to model in my own work—these teachers saw the best in me even when I couldn’t see it in myself, they gave me opportunities to succeed, and they always treated students with the same respect they’d show to adults.
And finally, what would you telling us what we'd find in your lunch box most days?
Hhmmm...always something I can eat on the run, maybe an apple, a couple of bickies and lot’s of coffee!
Thanks, David! We'll check in with you next Term!
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