Frequently Asked Questions
School Overview & Philosophy
Where is The Younity School?

The Younity School currently has one campus at Burpengary located at 45 Pitt Road, Burpengary.
When does The Younity School open?

The Younity School will welcome its inaugural student intake for Term 3 in July 2024.
What year levels does The Younity School cater for?

When fully established, The Younity School will cater for the "middle school years" - Years 5 to 9.
The initial intake in July 2024 will be for Years 7 - 9.
Year 6 will be available in 2025, and Year 5 in 2027.
Why doesn’t The Younity School teach all highschool year levels?

At The Younity School we focus on the middle school years from Grades 5 to 9 in recognition of the significant influence that a young person’s schooling has during this stage of their developmental and educational journey.
The middle school years form one of the most exciting and challenging stages in a young person’s life where they face complex physical, emotional, social and developmental changes.
During this time, students may also be at the highest risk of disengaging from learning—and this is especially true if they also have complex learning and social support needs, experience educational disadvantage or have been impacted by trauma.
When young people in the middle years are supported to meaningfully engage with their schooling—they are given the best opportunity to build strong foundations for their future educational and vocational success.
At The Younity School, our mission is to support young people and their families to engage or re-engage with school; successfully navigate the middle years; and face their future with a sense of confidence, resilience and pride. At The Younity School we aim for students to belong, learn and thrive.
Our specific focus on supporting students in Years 5 to 9 is critical to achieving this mission and allows us to deliver high quality educational programs and tailored wellbeing support that meets the unique needs and challenges that arise during this significant developmental and educational stage.
Where do students go after year 9?

The goal is for all of our students to graduate from The Younity School meaningfully engaged with their learning journey and with clear, positive pathways for their future, including enrolment in ongoing education.
To achieve this, we collaborate closely with local schools and other organisations and provide students and families in their final year at The Younity School with a range of appropriate educational and vocational pathways to explore.
Enrolment Criteria & Process
What students can enrol at the younity school?

The Younity School is an independent special assistance school for students who:
- have complex, often multiple, learning and social support needs;
- experience educational disadvantage; or
- are disengaged, or are at risk of disengaging, from their learning.
There are a range of reasons a young person may not be thriving at their current school—from specific mental health and learning challenges to experiencing bullying or simply not fitting in. No matter the reason, all expressions of interest for enrolment that meet the eligibility criteria will be considered.
What are the enrolment eligibility criteria for 2024?

Students commencing at The Younity School in July 2024 must meet the following criteria. The student:
- is between 12 and 15 years of age at the time of application,
- has completed Year 6 or equivalent,
- is disengaged or at high risk of disengaging from school,
- can provide a professional referral in support of their application.
For varying reasons, not all eligible students who apply for enrolment may be accepted—for those students and their families, we will discuss support options to explore your next steps.
How does the enrolment process work?

There are 4 stages to being accepted for enrolment at The Younity School.
Stage 1:
Check student eligibility by reading the eligibility policy here or taking our short eligibility quiz. If you believe the student meets the eligibility requirements move to next stage.
Stage 2:
Complete the Enrolment Expression of Interest (EOI) online, or down load a copy here. The Principal will review the information provided and contact you to discuss your EOI. If your enrolment is progressing, you will move to the next stage. If not, you will be offered support to consider alternative options.
Stage 3:
The student and their family/carer will be invited to attend a face-to-face interview with the Principal. At the interview, you will be required to provide a professional referral for the student, complete a detailed enrolment form and provide supporting information that will be listed in your invitation.
The Principal will review all enrolment applications to ensure the eligibility criteria has been met and to assess whether The Younity School will be the right fit environment for the applicant and their family. For varying reasons, not all students who apply for enrolment may be accepted. The school will support these students and families to explore other options.
Stage 4:
If accepted, your enrolment will be confirmed and you will receive an offer of enrolment letter outlining the startup details for the student.
If a student is homeschooled or enrolled in other educational programs, can they also be enrolled at The Younity School?

Yes, they can apply for enrolment at The Younity School.
At The Younity School, we recognise that each student has unique learning and support needs and we know that there are many ways in which these needs can be met.
We are always happy to work with students and families in complement with other educational programs to support them to engage meaningfully with their learning and develop positive pathways for the future.
Who can refer a student to The Younity School?

Students can refer themselves to The Younity School, or they can be referred by their parents/carers, their current school, a community organisation or referring agency.
how can i book a school tour?

The Younity School will hold regular open days. Please subscribe for updates about our school news and events.
Academic Program and Support Services
How is The Younity School different from other schools?

The Younity School is an accredited independent special assistance school for students who are disengaged or at risk of disengaging from schooling. Class sizes are smaller and additional wrap-around support is provided for students to engage or re-engage in learning. Additional support may be from teacher aides, youth workers, external allied health professionals, support workers, and NDIS providers.
What is the class size?

Classes have a maximum of 15 students.
What subjects do the students study?

The Younity School implements the Australian Curriculum. The whole school program also includes school and community-based programs.
What is the cost of attending The Younity School?

There are no tuition fees for students and families at The Younity School.
We are also developing our whole school program with the goal to support students to engage meaningfully at school, for example, students will have access to textbooks, stationery, laptops and other school supplies. Food will also be available for breaks.
Are laptops needed?

The Younity School will provide students with laptops to use in class.
Do students wear a uniform?

Yes, students wear a Younity School shirt and hat. They must also wear closed shoes and appropriate-length trousers, shorts, or skirts. We allow for some flexibility in individual styling of hair and jewellery.
Will my young person get a report card?

Yes, students are issued with an academic report at the end each semester. Parents/carers and students have the opportunity to attend these meetings formally twice per year. Regular communication about progress is encouraged.
Are there parent/carer/student and teacher meetings??

Parents/carers and students have the opportunity to attend formal meetings with teachers at the end of each semester. Regular communication about progress is encouraged. We ask that any discussions you require with teachers or school staff are arranged in advance.
How do staff and parents/carers communicate with one another?

Staff and parent/carers communicate via email, telephone or virtual calls, and face-to-face conversations.
Logistics, Policies & Facilities

There are no tuition fees for students and families at The Younity School.
We are also developing our whole school program with the goal to support students to engage meaningfully at school, for example, students will have access to textbooks, stationery, laptops and other school supplies. Food will also be available for breaks.
What time does school start and finish?

School starts at 8.30am and finishes at 2.30pm.
Do students attend full-time?

Yes, students are expected to attend Monday - Friday.
If the student is enrolled at The Younity School in complement with other educational programs, we will work with the student and their family to ensure they maintain attendance that is appropriate for their individual circumstances.
What are the school term dates for 2024?

Term 3: Monday July 2024 - Friday 13 September 2024 (10 weeks)
Term 4: Monday 30 September 2024 - Friday 29 November 2024 (9 weeks)
Is food supplied or do students bring their own??

Food is supplied for students and all dietary needs are catered for. Students are also welcome to bring their own food from home but are not permitted to consume energy drinks, tea and coffee at school.
How do students get to/from school??

Students may independently travel to/from school via public transport. Parents/carers are also welcome to stay for a short while for a casual tea/coffee however, we ask that any discussions you require with teachers and school staff are arranged in advance
The Younity School is located where the Freshwater Anglican church was located. Is the school faith-based??

The Younity School is non-denominational, it is not faith-based.
The Freshwater Anglican Church were the previous occupants at our Burpengary site. The Freshwater Parish are great supporters of the school, and have been instrumental in developing a partnership with Younity to lease and manage the site.
Is smoking, vaping or the use of e-cigarettes permitted at school?

No. Smoking, vaping and the use of electronic cigarettes are legislatively banned at all Queensland schools and facilities and for 5 meters beyond their boundaries. The ban also includes carparks. This law applies to all people at Queensland schools; staff, students, parents/carers, visitors, and contractors.
Can phones or other non-educational devices be used at school?

Students can carry phones to and from school, but must have their mobile phones turned off and out of sight for the duration of the school day.